Wednesday, 10 January 2018


In Naadi astrology, Jupiter is considered as the Life Force and the predictions are given on the basis of transiting Jupiter, when he touches other planets. Jupiter takes nearly 1 year to go from one Rasi/Sign to the other. Here we are ignoring the retrograde effect of Jupiter which will be discussed in later articles. Jupiter takes 1 year in 1 rasi/sign which means he will take 12 years to reach back to the 12th house from its natal position. In this period of 1 year Jupiter will touch Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Rahu, Etc., and give the results as per the significations and the strength of the planets. For instance when Jupiter touches Moon, it can be well deduced that the native will have a change of place at that age. 
          The first house is 1st year, second house is 2nd year, third house is 3rd year and so on until the twelfth house which is the 12th year of the native. After completing 12 years, Jupiter progresses further to its natal position and again in his rounds he will touch the same planets which he touched earlier. Does this mean that results showered on the native will be same?? Definitely No, the results will be entirely different. This will be termed as the second round of Jupiter which will be from 12 – 24 years of age. During this period when Jupiter will touch Moon again, this will denote that the family of the native might have travelled or changed a house because of the native. As we grow old our strength reduces over a period of time, this is because the strength of Jupiter also gets reduced after making several rounds. The fifth round of Jupiter contributes from the age of 48 – 60. After the age of 60, Jupiter enters the 6th round from 60 – 72, this is where we start getting minor and major health issues. 
          The rounds of the Jupiter have to be carefully understood in order to make the correct predictions. Now the question arises here, that from where we need to count the rounds of Jupiter? As explained earlier in Naadi method of Astrology, Lagna is not given importance but the placement of Jupiter is. The houses are also counted from the position where Jupiter is placed. Just like in regular astrology, even here the representation of the houses is the same. The 1st House is our self, 2nd House is the Family, Wife, and Money, 3rd House represents our siblings, courage, travel and so on the 4th, 5th, ….. till the 12th house. The planets sitting in the house, Aspects to the house, Trinal sign conjunctions to that house help come to a stronger conclusion. The rounds are classified as under:

1st Round = 1 To 12 Years of Age: During this round, the significations of the planets will be showered upon the individual and everything will be revolving around him.

2nd Round = 12 – 24 Years of Age: During this round the significations will be showered upon the family or the problems or benefits the individual faces will be because of the family. Also during this time the income and change in education patterns for higher studies is seen. Marriage is also an important aspect during this round.

3rd Round = 24 – 36 Years of Age: During this period of 12 years, losses, travelling and growth of the siblings is affected. There could be loss of money due to travelling, loss of money because of purchase etc. Apart from this our brothers/sisters moving away from family or their work life can also be predicted. All these things will also affect the native.

4th Round = 36 – 48 Years of Age: During the 4th round, Jupiter showers the result of the planets sitting in the 4th house or planets aspecting it. This period denotes happiness, property and the prosperity of mother and individual.

5th Round = 48 – 60 Years of Age: This round of Jupiter tells us about the growth of our children. The progress of the children will bring laurels to the native or he has to face some troubles due to them can be seen from this round.
          Every round of Jupiter has its own good and bad affects depending upon the planets touched. Also, the rounds of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu play an important role during each Jupiter round.

Tip: The 4th house from each transiting Jupiter tells about how happy and prosperous it is going to be for the coming year.  

Hope this article gave you a brief understanding about the rounds of Jupiter. We will be discussing this with a chart where it will be easier for you to understand.  

In the next post we will be continuing our planetary relationships and relation of MARS with other Grahas/Planets will be discussed

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