Thursday, 4 January 2018


Hello, firstly I would like to wish u all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May God fill this year for you with Good Health, Wealth, Love and Luck. 
          Continuing with our articles, till now we have covered significations of planets, bhavas and rashis and presently understanding the relations between the Grahas. As discussed previously, Sun is inimical to Rahu, Saturn, Venus and why is it friendly with the other planets. In the same manner today we will know about Moon. 



Moon as we all know represents the mind and mother. And just like Sun, Moon is also a luminous body which cannot have any enmity towards other planets. However, in astrology, it has been observed that Moon is inimical to Dragon-Tail, Dragon-Head, Venus and Saturn (In a Different Way). When Moon is associated with Ketu (Dragon-Tail) or Rahu (Dragon-Head), the native tends to have mental problems, hallucinations, along with being weak minded, etc. In this combination it is generally observed that the person lacks the ability to think and apply is mind. The native also become wicked minded especially when Mars is linked up with them.     
          Saturn when conjunct with Moon by 1,5,9,7 brings out lot of changes in the professional path of the native. The native might not be satisfied with one job and aspires a high position in a very short time. The same combination helps a person work for foreign companies and also move abroad in his lifetime or his career will be connected with overseas. This combination is most feared because of the Sade Sati which is caused when transiting Saturn is approaching Moon. Regarding this the readers can read the article Saturn – The Performer.
          Venus indicates Daughter-In-Law and Moon indicates Mother-In-Law, no matter how much the mother and daughter in law try to keep peace among them, but there will always be difference in opinions and this will result into fights among them. Apart from this, Venus represents Money and Moon represents Expense. Whenever Moon and Venus are conjoined together the native will always have free flowing expenses. This is the prime reason for their enmity and a non-cordial relationship.


Moon is the Mind and has friendly aspects with Sun, Mercury and Mars. Sun is the Father and Soul, Mercury is the Prince and Education and Mars is the Energy and Commander. This itself explains that why these planets are comfortable among each other.

Hope this article helped you understand the relationship of Moon with other planets and most importantly the reason behind such aspect.

In the next post we will be discussing the planetary relationship of MARS with other Grahas/Planets.

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