Saturday, 30 December 2017


All planets are vital and play an important role in each sphere of our life. Each planet has been awarded special significations which they shower on us. Although all these planets are like acting angels and there cannot be any enmity among them, but in astrology they share various relations between them in the form of Friendly, Inimical, Exaltation, Debilitation. It has been observed in my experience and in studies that Retro motion and planetary Interchanges are also to be regarded at high level when making predictions. It is very important to understand the friendly and inimical aspects of the planets as this plays a very important role while decoding the exaltation and debilitation of a planet.
          If we compare this to our day to day life, every human being has an enemy, a friend, a dear friend and sometimes the enmity goes up to the extent of killing that person. The enmity develops due to accusations, fights, power wars etc.  The only way to remove this enmity is by killing the enemy. In the same manner the planets also have their friends and enemies whom they defeat and win over a house. It will be great to understand and observe that the Sun, the planet which represents the Soul and Energy, cannot have any enmity among other planets, but as per astrology and observations made over the years by great scholars, Sun and Saturn are inimical to each other and in addition to these Venus and Rahu (Dragon Head) are also inimical to The Sun.

Let us Discuss about The Sun:

Inimical Planets: Saturn, Venus Rahu and Ketu
Friendly Planets: Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury


RAHU (DRAGON HEAD): Sun is the soul and energy to all the beings on the planet. The Dragon-Head signifies dark and thick clouds. Dragon-Head cannot swallow the Sun but prevents the energy rays of the Sun to fall on Earth and hence creating darkness. In Astrology, Rahu (Dragon Head) acts like an obstacle (Grahan) to the Sun and prevents Sun from giving full significations to the individual. When Dragon-Head and Sun are in conjunction in a horoscope, it can be observed that it will bring in-auspiciousness to the Son, Father, King of the native.

SATURN: Saturn is the son of The Sun, so the question here rises that how can there be enmity between the father and son? Also, Sun is the Soul and Energy and Saturn is the Karma, combining the two the result should be Atma-Karma and very prospering. Here it is important to understand that the father may become angry with his son but will never develop enmity for his son. The father will always inquire about the well-being of his son even if the Son is not bothered about his father. In the same manner, The Sun does not have enmity towards Saturn but they only have quarrels and misunderstandings among them. As per Astrology, when Sun and Saturn are there in the horoscope of an individual, there will only be disputes in that area of life but it will not go to an extent of destroying that part of life.

VENUS: Sun is the God for Devas and Venus is the God for Rakshas. Apart from this, Sun has his glow and energy which contains heat and anything which comes close to it is destroyed. When these Rays of Sun fall on Venus, the qualities of Venus, that is semen, sexual pleasures, are destroyed by the hot glow of the Sun. This is the reason why learned astrologers advise to get married during night time after Venus Rises and the Sun sets. In Astrology, when these two are together the egg count for a female and semen count of the male drops down.


The Moon, Jupiter and Mars are friends to Sun. The Moon representing the mind, gets elevated, stays fresh and balanced when the Sun rays fall on Moon. The Moon shines and so does our mind. Jupiter is our Life-Force as per Naadi, and anything which exits or has life needs the rays of the Sun to survive and prosper. Mars is our energy and confidence and getting support from Sun increases its significations. However it has been observed that certain times this energy of Mars turns into Egoism also. As for the above reasons, all the 3 planets are friendly and always in support of the planet Sun.

In the next post we will be discussing the planetary relationship of MOON with other Grahas/Planets.

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Call on +91-9811683831 - Mr. Angad Chadha

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Friday, 29 December 2017


The Sanskrit word “Graha” means “THAT WHICH GRASPS.” The Grahas, commonly referred as planets grasp our consciousness, and the astrological condition of a particular Graha/Planet represents our state of consciousness in the areas of life “held” by that Graha/Planet. 
There is a huge difference in a planet and a Graha. Technically all planets revolve around Sun and Rahu and Ketu are not even planets in the solar system. Starting from Sun, Moon, Mars and until Ketu all should be referred as GRAHAS for the reasons given above, that the graha represents a state of consciousness in the sectors of our life. But for the sake of our understanding we often use the word planet along with Graha. 
          The nine Grahas (planets) are called Surya (the Sun), Chandra (the Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (Dragons-Head), and Ketu (Dragons-Tail). Readers are requested to use the Sanskrit names for these Grahas/Planets given here because in their names itself lies the tatva or the hidden meaning which will enable you to decode them at the time of predictions. The Sanskrit names/sounds are said to correspond more accurately to the actual properties of the Grahas. For example, when you consistently use the term "Shukra" your brain will be able to get to the true significance better than when you use "Venus".     
          Most of the scripts or texts in Jyotish use the word "planets" instead of Grahas. As explained above, since the Sun, the Moon, Rahu, and Ketu are technically not planets, it is more correct to call them Grahas. The Grahas are divided into two groups, according to their general auspicious or inauspicious effects. The Sanskrit terms used to label these two groups are Benefic (Saumya) and Malefic (Krura).

MALEFIC GROUP: Surya (the Sun), Shani (Saturn), Mangal (Mars), waning Chandra (the Moon when its approaching Sun), Rahu, and Ketu

BENEFIC GROUP: The waxing Chandra (the Moon when it has crossed Sun), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter) and Shukra (Venus)

Here readers must note that when Mercury is in the same sign as another malefic, it is considered to be a malefic also. Most Grahas/Planets are fixed in nature. Only Chandra (Moon) and Budha (Mercury) can be affected by their specific placement in the chart.
          Each planet Except the Sun, Moon, Rahu & Ketu rule over two (2) Rashis/Signs. Each planet have their own exaltation and debilitation signs. In my personal experience and practice, I have noted that the sign of exaltation and debilitation are more or less like positive and negative points and need to be treated very carefully. It has been observed that debilitated planets sometimes don’t behave negative and exalted planets are unable to shower positive results. These two will be taken up separately in the next article with examples.
Let us now study the detailed report of planets along with their significations what they shower on an individual. All the nine planets are the reincarnations of Lord Vishnu.

1. SUN
Sign Rulership: Leo
Exaltation Sign: Aries
Debilitation Sign: Libra
Incarnation: Lord Rama
Color: Blood Red
Sex: Male
Caste: Kshatriyas
Direction: South
Season: Greesham (Summer)
Signification: Temple, Bones, Head Of The Dept., Medicine, City, Man, Religion, Vedic, Teaching, Hand, Promotion, Ceremonies, Govt Honors, Development, Name And Fame, Etc.

Sign Rulership: Cancer
Exaltation Sign: Taurus
Debilitation Sign: Scorpio
Incarnation: Lord Krishna
Color: Tawny (Light Brown)
Sex: Female
Caste: Commercial
Direction: North
Season: Varsha (Monsoon)
Signification: Mother, Woman, Milk, Fickle Minded, Mood, Change, Travel, Hotels, Restaurants, Eatables, Foreign Land, Psychology, Soft, Wells, Accusations, Elder Sister, Etc.

Sign Rulership: Aries & Scorpio
Exaltation Sign: Capricorn
Debilitation Sign: Cancer
Incarnation: Lord Narsimha
Color: Blood Red
Element: Fire
Sex: Male
Caste: Kshatriyas
Direction: South
Season: Greesham (Summer)
Signification: Brothers, Boild, Blood, Government, Accidents, Cars, Typing, Hand Skills, Desires, Mantras, Vedas, Machinery, House, Land, Construction, Building, Breaks In Education, Husband (In Female Horoscope)

Sign Rulership: Gemini & Virgo
Exaltation Sign: Virgo
Debilitation Sign: Pisces
Incarnation: Lord Buddha
Color: Earthy Grassy (Greenish)
Sex: Eunuch (Neutral)
Caste: Commercial
Direction: East
Season: Sharad (Autumn)
Signification: Education, Intelligence, Trade And Business, Law, Judicial, Double, Twin, Grass, Good Happenings, New Born, Etc.

Sign Rulership: Taurus & Libra
Exaltation Sign: Pisces
Debilitation Sign: Virgo
Incarnation: Lord Parshuram
Color: Variegated
Sex: Female
Caste: Brahmin
Direction: North
Season: Basant (Spring)
Signification: Eyes, Good Natured, Riches, Costly, Gold And Jewellery, ATM’s, Hospitals, Clinics, Female Child, Wife, Mistress, Sweet Drinks, Juices, Finances, Development, Knowledge, Etc.

Sign Rulership: Sagittarius & Pisces
Exaltation Sign: Cancer
Debilitation Sign: Capricorn
Incarnation: Lord Vamana
Color: Tawny and Golden
Sex: Male
Caste: Brahmin
Direction: East
Season: Hemant (Winter)
Signification: Life Force, Body, Living Style, Guru, Teacher, Religion, Banking, Teacher, Spiritual Sciences, Judicial Services, Etc.

Sign Rulership: Capricorn & Aquarius
Exaltation Sign: Libra
Debilitation Sign: Aries
Incarnation: Lord Koorma
Color: Dark Blue and Black
Sex: Eunuch (Neutral)
Caste: Shudra
Direction: West
Season: Shishir (Cold Winter)
Signification: Action, Karma, Delay, Hurdles, Death, Bad Periods, Village Headman, Spirits, Livelihood, Etc.

Significations: Dryness, Gas, Empty, Smoky, Trouble, Accidents, Death, Start Of The Family Circle, Part Of The City, Spirits, Fear, Photographer, Grandfather, Etc.

Significations: Tail, End Of The Family Circle, Dead End, Spiritual Place, Bad Periods, Surgery, Electrification, Doctors, Preachers, Teachers, Astrology, Vedic, Chemistry, Photographer, Etc. 

Hope this article helped you understand the Grahas and what they signify. In the next post we will be discussing the planets relation with each other and how it plays an important role while deciding exaltation and debilitation.

For consultations kindly book your appointment on OR
Call on +91-9811683831 - Mr. Angad Chadha

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“Dear readers, the below predictions are based as per your date of birth”

15 April To 14 May: You will focus on spirituality and charities this month. Expenses towards religious rites and ceremonies will be undertaken. Someone elder in the family may go for a temple visit. One the work front, some good changes will be seen however, there will be some delay in getting the results.
15 May To 14 June: This is the time of reviving your old contacts and complete unfinished work. Transformation, reviving and changing old things is expected this month. A visit to a holy place near water is seen. Feeding the poor will bring prosperity in life.

15 June To 16 July: The partner may face some delay in work. After a delay there is a bright chance of wealth coming in. On the public front, the people around you in office and society may try to hamper your reputation. Do not give advice until asked for.  

17 July To 16 August: Focus will be on health issues and pains in the lower back. Some matters related to court may go in your favor. Seek help from someone elder in the family, he will provide you with a helping hand. The partner will come close to you, and this is the best time to give your relation another chance.

17 August To 16 September: Children will see prosperity in their life. People trying to give up their bad habits may find success in doing so. There might be some tensions and frustrations developing regarding investments, these will be cleared by the month end or the coming month.

17 September To 17 October: This time will bring changes in the house. Some renovation or changes in the placement of your house furniture is depicted. A short travel is seen and this may bring some financial gain to you. Be careful of what you speak and where you speak.

18 October To 16 November: Try and remain calm and do not waste your energy on petty matters. Respect your elders and seek their blessings before going on a travel. There may be difference in opinion with the siblings. You get the confidence to revive and complete your previous tasks.

17 November To 15 December: Be polite and diplomat in your speech. Some source of income from the forest department or from govt. authorities is seen. Relationship with the partner may go stringent.

16 December To 14 January: This month will bring out changes in your life pattern. You may start a new venture or a new job. Those looking for a partner will be able to find their love in the later part of the month. 

15 January To 12 February: A foreign trip is on the horizon for you. Be careful about your money and belongings. Expenses may rise and there is also a chance of theft. A visit to a far off relative can be seen and there will be gains from the higher authorities or people of the same level.

13 February To 14 March: Time for enjoying the fruits of your past works. You move ahead with confidence and grace. Friends will be helpful and elder siblings will play a role of a guide for your better future.

15 March To 14 April: This is a good time to start your own business. After much struggle in the past, time is now good and favoring. Those in job can expect promotion or rise in salary. One of your friends or sibling moves to far away land.

For consultations kindly book your appointment on OR
Call on +91-9811683831 - Mr. Angad Chadha 

Wednesday, 27 December 2017


The Rashis (zodiac signs) form the celestial background through which the planets move. At the time of birth, each Planet or Graha will be found in one of the (12) twelve Rashis/Signs. The Rashis/Signs will have a great impact on the condition of the Planet/Graha (favorable or unfavorable), as well as its unique qualities. Unlike the tropical zodiac that is used in Western astrology, the Rashis/Signs are based on the position of the actual stars. If one compares the nine Planets/Grahas to lights that radiate according to our level of awareness in the areas of life explained above, then the Rashis/Signs would be like the lamps the lights shine in. The color, shape and qualities of the lamp will have a significant impact on the light inside it, and could help the light get more focused and useful, or it could obstruct the light and discolor it.
Like the 12 houses/bhavas, we also have the 12 Rashish/Signs, i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, in the zodiac belt each of which is governed by a ruling planet. Each planet rules two (2) rashis/signs. For Instance, Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces and so on. At the time of birth the rising star or Jupiter (As per Naadi) will be in a particular Rashi/Sign. Each Rashi/Sign denotes a certain part of body of the Kaalpurusha, is either fixed, movable or dual, denotes a particular color, duration, and has its own element. Let’s take for example, in the chart below the rising sign/ascendant is placed in the Rashi/Sign of Taurus, so Taurus will be the 1st house, Gemini will be 2nd House, and so on. In the same manner, in the same chart as per Naadi system Jupiter is placed in the Rashi/Sign of Libra. The second house will the Rashi/Sign Scorpio, third will be Sagittarius and so on.

Although I have been insisting about Naadi only, this illustration using the North Indian Chart and rising sign has been given only for understanding purpose.

The attributes, significations, directions, etc. for each rashi/sign are explained below:

Ø  Aries
Number: 1
Represents: Head
Type: Movable
Nature: Malefic
Direction: East
Residing Place: Royal Palace
Element: Fire
Rises: Back
Sex: Male
Ruling Planet: Mars
Significations: Head, Chemicals, Ancient History, Ancient Scripts, Fiery, Technical Machinery, Etc.

Ø  Taurus
Number: 2
Represents: Face
Type: Fixed
Nature: Benefic
Direction: South
Residing Place: Villages
Element: Air
Rises: Back
Sex: Female
Ruling Planet: Venus
Significations: Face, Fortune, Medicine, Painting, Jewelry, Singing, Music, Fine Arts, Fortune, Rich House, Etc.

Ø  Gemini
Number: 3
Represents: Arms
Type: Dual
Nature: Malefic
Direction: West
Residing Place: Villages
Element: Air
Rises: Head
Sex: Male
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Significations: Intellect, Shoulders, Law, Business, Trading, Media, Etc.

Ø  Cancer
Number: 4
Represents: Heart
Type: Movable
Nature: Benefic
Direction: North
Residing Place: Forests
Element: Water
Rises: Back
Sex: Female
Ruling Planet: Moon
Significations: Mother, Home, Land, Heart, Chest, Breast, Watery, Milk, Hotels, Restaurants, Foreign Land, Frequent Changing, Moody, Etc.

Ø  Leo
Number: 5
Represents: Stomach
Type: Fixed
Nature: Malefic
Direction: East
Residing Place: Forests
Element: Fire
Rises: Head
Sex: Male
Ruling Planet: Sun
Significations: Fathers House, Capital City, Medicine, Spine, Gas, Leader, Head Of Dept., Pious, Kingly, Government House, Etc.

Ø  Virgo
Number: 6
Represents: Hip
Type: Dual
Nature: Benefic
Direction: South
Residing Place: Hills
Element: Air
Rises: Head
Sex: Female
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Significations: Law, Judicial, Dominating, Vegetation, Trade, Fickle, Commercial Issues, Etc.

Ø  Libra
Number: 7
Represents: Navel
Type: Movable
Nature: Malefic
Direction: West
Residing Place: Lands
Element: Air
Rises: Head
Sex: Male
Ruling Planet: Venus
Significations: Rich, Banking, Gold And Jewels, Fine Arts, Vehicles, Royal House, Daily Earnings, Etc.

Ø  Scorpio
Number: 8
Represents: Male/Female Parts
Type: Fixed
Nature: Benefic
Direction: North
Residing Place: Holes
Element: Water
Rises: Head
Sex: Female
Ruling Planet: Mars
Significations: Iron And Steel, Machinery, Chemicals, Police Dept. Army Personnel, Mantras, Sex Organs, Introvert Sign, Etc.

Ø  Sagittarius
Number: 9
Represents: Thighs
Type: Dual
Nature: Cruel
Direction: East
Residing Place: Land
Element: Fire
Rises: Back
Sex: Male
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Significations: Forest, Wood, Good And Bad, Dry, Banking, Teaching, Gurus, Accounts, Noble, Etc.

Ø  Capricorn
Number: 10
Represents: Knees
Type: Movable
Nature: Benefic
Direction: South
Residing Place: Forests and Lands
Element: Earth
Rises: Back
Sex: Female
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Significations: Watery, Holy Place, Important Area, Village Heads, Royal, Politicians, Waist, Etc.

Ø  Aquarius
Number: 11
Represents: Ankle
Type: Fixed
Nature: Malefic
Direction: West
Residing Place: Deep Water
Element: Air
Rises: Head
Sex: Male
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Significations: Villages, Holy Water Places, Liquors, Good, Politics, Etc.

Ø  Pisces
Number: 12
Represents: Foot
Type: Dual
Nature: Benefic
Direction: North
Element: Water
Rises: Head and Back
Sex: Female
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Significations: Liberation, Feet, Pious, Salvation, Noble, Religious, Holy Water Place, Dual Sign, Etc.

The Rashis/Signs play a very important role in studying the nature of planets and houses while predicting a horoscope. Readers are requested to understand, learn, apply and practice these on day to day basis so as to get used to this.

“Hope this article helped you gain some knowledge about understanding the Rashis. In the next post we will be discussing the significations of the planets along with their house of exaltation and debilitation”

For consultations kindly book your appointment on OR
Call us now on +91-9811683831 - Mr. Angad Chadha

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